
7 June 2024: Senate Estimates last evening has unhelpful discussion about the process for dealing with Expressions of Interest (from approx. Mark 20.50). Senator Davey (NAT, NSW) may place Questions on Notice.

Above picture: onlookers line the front entrance of the Australian War Memorial at the ceremony for the building's opening in 1941; AWM credit.

Minister Keogh has provided details of how to lodge an Expression of Interest in becoming a member of the governing Council of the Australian War Memorial.

Application material is rather buried on the standard Department of Veterans' Affairs website. Scroll down to Australian War Memorial Council Members Job Ref - DVAO2031. Applications are due in by 5 May.

Interviewed, the Minister was cautious here and here about what might come from the process, especially in relation to changed attitudes on the Council to the Australian (Frontier) Wars.

It is up to interested parties, especially First Nations people, to respond. It is a great chance to change the direction of the Memorial. Conversely, it would be a great setback if the process were to deliver another batch of conservative time-servers, as was characteristic of the previous Council.


Mar 28, 2024

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