The Yoorrook Justice Commission is investigating injustice against First Peoples in Victoria since colonisation. In mid-2023 Yoorrook released the Yoorrook for Justice report into the Victorian child protection and criminal justice systems. Yoorrook is now looking into land, sky and waters, health, housing and education, and economic prosperity. Yoorrook will deliver its final report in 2025.
Yoorrook has three goals: truth, understanding, transformation.
The Yoorrook Justice Commission website. Regular updates are available via newsletters. Contact form. Notable at date of this post:
Commission Chair, Professor Aunty Eleanor Burke AM, thanks submitters for their inputs to this First Peoples-led truth-telling process, the first of its kind in Australia;
the Submissions Library (accessible via topic filters) has hundreds of submissions, including a dozen or so on massacres (Moira Swamp, Myall Creek, Maffra, Spring and Summer Hills, Gurnai Kurnai people in Gippsland by Angus McMillan in the 1840s; Waterloo Plains;
the Evidence Library (again accessible via topic filters), including 62 items classified 'History';
submission by Professor Julie Moschion, University of Queensland, and nine co-authors 'Evidence on the legacy of historical frontier violence in Australia'. Preliminary work on the links between historical massacres and the lives of and attitudes towards First Nations people today.
Picture credit: A world map showing all the truth and reconciliation commissions in Museum of Memory and Human Rights, Santiago, Chile