Reading list

Here you will find a list of books, websites and other resources below dealing with the Australian Frontier Wars and First Nations. Our listings of Related sites and organisations and Latest news may also be useful.

Note that this list does not include articles in academic or similar journals. Many of the books listed, however, have comprehensive bibliographies, including articles.

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Frontier Wars
First Nations History
What First Nations people said about invasion, the Frontier Wars and sovereignty: extracts from the Referendum Council report 2017
Referendum Council
These were the words of delegates to the Uluru Dialogue meetings held around the country leading up to the First Nations Constitutional Convention at Uluru, May 2017, whose work was distilled into the Statement.
Frontier Wars
New South Wales
When the Sky Fell Down: The Destruction of the Tribes of the Sydney Region, 1788-1850s (1979)
Willey, Keith
History of early contact based on documentary sources; traces changing attitudes of both Aborigines and whites and the increasingly devastating effects of settlement.
First Nations History
Why didn’t we know? is no excuse. Non-Indigenous Australians must listen to the difficult historical truths told by First Nations people, The Conversation, 4 July 2023
Norman, Heidi and Anne Maree Payne
Comprehensive listing and analysis of many decades of First Nations writing on Australian history
First Nations History
Frontier Wars
Why weren’t we told: A Personal Search for the Truth about Our History (2000)
Reynolds, Henry
His personal journey towards the realisation that he, like generations of Australians, grew up with a distorted and idealised version of the past. From the author's unforgettable encounter in a North Queensland jail with injustice towards Aboriginal children, to his friendship with Eddie Mabo, to his shattering of the myths about our 'peaceful' history,