Reading list

Here you will find a list of books, websites and other resources below dealing with the Australian Frontier Wars and First Nations. Our listings of Related sites and organisations and Latest news may also be useful.

Note that this list does not include articles in academic or similar journals. Many of the books listed, however, have comprehensive bibliographies, including articles.

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Frontier Wars
First Nations History
The Australian Wars (2022)
Rachel Perkins, Dir.
Rachel Perkins journeys across the country to explore the bloody battles fought on Australian soil and the war that established the Australian nation, seeking to change the narrative of the nation.
Frontier Wars
The Battle of One Tree Hill: The Aboriginal Resistance that Stunned Queensland (2019)
Kerkhove, Ray and Frank Uhr
In 1840, Brisbane was the furthest outpost of settled Australia. Over the next few years, pastoralists poured in. The violence that erupted welded many of the tribal groups into an alliance that, by 1842, was working to halt the advance. The Battle of One Tree Hill tells the story of one of the most audacious stands against this migration.
First Nations History
The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines Made Australia (2011-12)
Gammage, Bill
Aboriginal people managed the land in a far more systematic and scientific fashion than we have ever realised, with an extraordinarily complex system of land management using fire, the life cycles of native plants, and the natural flow of water to ensure plentiful wildlife and plant foods throughout the year.
Frontier Wars
The Black War: Fear, Sex and Resistance in Tasmania (2014)
Clements, Nicholas
Between 1825 and 1831 close to 200 Britons and 1000 Aborigines died violently in Tasmania's Black War. It was by far the most intense frontier conflict in Australia's history, yet many Australians know little about it. This book takes a unique approach to this historic event, looking chiefly at the experiences and attitudes of those who took part.
First Nations History
The Conversation
Various authors (with university affiliations)
Regularly features articles relevant to First Nations history, the Voice and Frontier Wars
First Nations History
The Dark Emu Story (2023)
Clarke, Allan, Producer;  Blackfella Films
Tells the story of Bruce Pascoe’s book Dark Emu, with interviews with the author and others (ABC TV 18 July 2023)
First Nations History
The First Inventors (2022)
Behrendt, Larissa, Dir.
The four-part series uncovers traditional knowledge and insights, which could help navigate some of the biggest challenges of our time, celebrating and exploring the world’s longest surviving culture—that of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The story of how entire landscapes were transformed, how events predating written history were recorded as far back as the last ice age, how people navigated over extraordinary distances, and how whole societies were organised.
First Nations History
The Honest History Book (2017)
Stephens, David and Alison Broinowski, ed.
Twenty chapters making the case that Australia is more than Anzac - and always has been. Includes Eualeyai-Kamillaroi historian Larissa Behrendt on ‘Settlement or invasion? The coloniser’s quandary’ and journalist and author Paul Daley on ‘Our most important war: The legacy of frontier conflict’
Frontier Wars
Northern Territory
The Killing Times: The Coniston Massacre 1928 (1984)
Cribbin, John
Fictionalised account of punitive expeditions against Walbiri people led by Constable W.G. Murray and Nugget Morton; criticism of the affair by missionary Athol McGregor and Anne Locke; Darwin trial; recent interviews with Walbiri survivors by M. Hartwig, P. Read and P. Wafer.
Frontier Wars
The National Picture: The Art of Tasmania’s Black War (2018)
Lehman, Greg and Tim Bonyhady
Benjamin Duterrau and his National picture project are at the core of this publication because he was the colonial artist most interested in Tasmania's Aboriginal people, and the only artist who chose to depict, on a substantial scale, their conciliation or pacification by George Augustus Robinson. Tasmanian officials tried to use paintings to show to Aboriginal people 'the cause of the present warfare' and the 'real wishes of the government': 'the desired termination of hostility'.
First Nations History
Frontier Wars
The Original Australians: The Story of the Aboriginal People (2nd edition, 2019)
Flood, Josephine
Tells the story of Australian Aboriginal history and society from its distant beginnings to the present day. From the wisdom and paintings of the Dreamtime to the first contact between Europeans and Indigenous Australians, through to the Uluru Statement, it offers an insight into the life and experiences of the world's oldest surviving culture. The resilience and adaptability of Aboriginal people over millennia is one of the great human stories of all time.
Frontier Wars
First Nations History
The Other Side of the Frontier: Aboriginal Resistance to the European Invasion of Australia (1981, 2006)
Reynolds, Henry
Drawing from documentary and oral evidence, the book describes the ways in which Aborigines responded to the arrival of Europeans. Henry Reynolds' argument that the Aborigines resisted fiercely was highly original when it was first published (1981) and is no less challenging today.