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Politicians' speeches at the Australian War Memorial have from time immemorial struck the themes of service and sacrifice.…'s more to Truth-telling than Truth-telling: Parliamentary Committee Inquiry.… Estimates fizzer an opportunity lost - but wait, maybe there's more. David Stephens. Jun 20, 2024. Home. /. News. /.… ABC program with First Nations themes, presented by Defending Country Supporter, Professor Larissa Behrendt AO, UTS. Source. Featured. Tags. defending country.…, there is more to war—any war—than the numbers killed, but those four small wars of Empire between them killed around 600 Australians, most of them in South Africa.… focuses on the core research themes of culture country and Language, transformational education, Aboriginal wellbeing, sustainable lifeways and social justice, and policy, practice and… and implementing the Defending Country theme is the key to the Australian War Memorial’s future as an honest Australian cultural institution, one that owns and acknowledges. all.… year's NAIDOC theme is ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Loud, Blak and Proud’.… Reconciliation Week website goes on: The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever. , is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the… are many historians available, including First Nations people.…